You must book in advance for a tour. A guided tour starts every half hour. The first tour starts at 10:00 AM and the last one at 3:00 PM. Please be on time, otherwise If you are late, you run the risk of not being able to enter. We'll look into this on the spot. You can also make a reservation on site, if there is room for it. However, online reservations take precedence.

The RIVM guidelines no longer apply since 25 February. It would be nice if we take each other into account during the tour. Try to keep some distance and sneeze and cough into your elbow.

Everyone visiting the Mill has to follow the RIVM guidelines.

Start reservation

Papierfabriek de Middelste Molen
Kanaal Zuid 497 - 7371 GL Loenen (Gld)
 +31 (0)55 505 2911


Ontwerp, ontwikkeling en hosting.


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