We are open from Wednesday to Saturday. We are also open on Tuesdays from April 1 to November 1.
If you want to visit us for a tour of our beautiful museum, it is wise to reserve a time in advance. 7 people can join each tour. Of course you can also come that way, but then you have to take into account that reservations take precedence. That could mean that you have to wait for the next round. The last tour starts at 3:00 PM. You do not need to make a reservation to visit our store.

Papermill De Middelste Molen on the Loenense Molenbeek has made paper since 1622. It’s the only papermill in The Netherlands which still manufactures paper by hydropower and steam and has been preserved in good repair.

Visit us and follow the centuries-old productionprocess of Dutch paper. You seem to be in the 19th century hearing the rattle and clatter of the machines.

Are you looking for special paper? Our shop provides the paper you have been thinking of and the paper you have never thought of.


Are you looking for special paper? Our shop provides the paper you have been thinking of and the paper you have never thought of.

Workshops and masterclasses

For English speakers, we offer a selection of Workshops in the English language, upon request. .

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Papierfabriek de Middelste Molen
Kanaal Zuid 497 - 7371 GL Loenen (Gld)

 +31 (0)55 505 2911


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